Author: Josh Koop

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  • Headphone Break-In: Why Burn-In is Vital to Performance

    You’re probably familiar with breaking in a new pair of shoes, but have you ever heard of “breaking in” headphones? Headphones won’t blister your ears (like shoes can do to your feet), but the idea has some merit. It begs the question: can breaking in headphones improve audio quality? So, do headphones need to be…

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  • Running With Airpods: Near Perfect Device For Your Miles

    AirPods (Apple’s wireless headphones line) are unlike anything on the market today. They are perfect for listening to that motivational audiobook on your daily commute (and drowning out the kids fighting in the background), but can you use AirPods while running? You can use AirPods while running, and many consider them an essential part of…

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  • Gaming Audio: Why Stereo Headphones are Unparalleled

    Gaming has taken the world by surprise. Before today, video games were considered time-consuming and unprofitable to youths and many other entertainment lovers. However, with the advancement of technology, the quality and competitiveness of video games are off the charts.  Moreover, immersive, competitive gaming is possible with only the best peripherals. Considering crucial factors like…

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  • Podcasters: Why Headphones are Needed for Best Audio

    It is amazing how some professional broadcasters rarely make errors in their podcasts while disheartening that some amateurs always have one complaint or another about their podcasts. Even worse, some never want to find out what it takes to produce the best audios.  Be you a novice or a pro, your expectations when recording your…

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  • why do drummers wear headphones

    Drumming: Why They Choose to Wear Headphones on Stage

    Drummers frequently use headphones while practicing, rehearsing with the band, recording, or performing. But why do drummers wear headphones, and why are they so popular? Is there something unique about them that distinguishes them from other drivers? Some people even have the belief that it’s for fancy. They’re the consequence of a desire to calm…

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  • Beyerdynamic: A Solid Brand of Quality Headphones

    Headphones are used for different reasons by different people. Some use headphones for leisure purposes, including listening to music and watching a movie, and for others, headphones are essential to their work.  For instance, Disk Jockeys (DJ) need headphones as their work equipment. Also, music producers and radio presenters use headphones for their job. These…

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  • can you listen to subliminals without headphones

    Subliminals: Better to Listen with or Without Headphones

    Headphones are a ubiquitous device used in various sound systems. But it will interest you to know that some soundtracks are not good to listen to when using headphones. Moreover, others are just as good to listen without headphones as they are good with headphones. In this article, we will be looking at one such…

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  • IEM: Are In-Ear Monitors Good to Use as Headphones?

    Technological devices have always functioned in a particular way; beginning small and expanding big.  It is either in the beginning, it will be too expensive that only the rich can buy, or it is made to solve a problem for people of a particular profession.  Either way, in the long run, it becomes available to…

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  • Sony headphones laying on a macbook laptop

    How do I connect my Sony headphones to my Mac?

    Everyone is thrilled by the changes technology has brought and is still bringing in today’s world, especially with electronics. Many people prefer using wireless electronics such as Bluetooth because the comfort and ease of using them outweigh slight cost increases. However, some electronic concerns, such as hearing static noise, sporadic disconnecting, or difficulty attaching the…

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