Category: General

  • Are Your Headphones Making Your Phone Glitch?

    Are Your Headphones Making Your Phone Glitch?

    I’ve noticed that when I put my headphones on, my phone starts to glitch. When it first happened, I thought it was just a coincidence because the glitches were happening at random times. But then they started happening all the time and now I’m convinced that there is some sort of connection between using headphones…

  • Can & Should You Wear Headphones Over Your Beanie?

    Can & Should You Wear Headphones Over Your Beanie?

    What do you think about wearing headphones over a beanie? This is not an uncommon question, and there are some people who like to wear their headgear in this way. However, wearing headphones over a beanie does come with some drawbacks that make it less than ideal for many people. Read on below to find…

  • Shower With Airpods [ Is it Safe or Will They Be Damaged ]

    Shower With Airpods [ Is it Safe or Will They Be Damaged ]

    Airpods have added a great deal of comfort and convenience to our lives ever since they were first released, giving us the ability to listen to music, podcasts, and other audio entertainment at just about any time, just about anywhere. But can you shower with Airpods? We know that Airpods are water-resistant, but is it…

  • Truly Wireless [ What it Means and Differences vs Wireless ]

    Truly Wireless [ What it Means and Differences vs Wireless ]

    Wireless technology has been ever-present in our electronic devices for some time now. But with the emergence of Truly Wireless earbuds on the consumer market, many people are now confused about the differences between legacy wireless technology and the newer, truly wireless technology that offers far more freedom. We unpack what truly wireless means and…

  • Can I Wear Earbuds with a Rook Piercing?

    Can I Wear Earbuds with a Rook Piercing?

    When you have a rook piercing, it can be hard to know what you are allowed to do. Can I wear earbuds with a rook piercing? What about headphones? This blog post will help answer those questions and more! You should not wear headphones because it will press against your new piercing holes and lead…

  • Complete Guide to Choosing the Best Wireless Headphones

    Complete Guide to Choosing the Best Wireless Headphones

    For some, headphones are an indispensable part of their everyday carry. Just like their car keys, phone, and wallet. Whether you are a music buff or not, having a nice set of wireless headphones is super convenient. But which one do you buy? To solve that, we created this complete guide to buying wireless headphones.…

  • What To Do When AirPods Go Through the Wash?

    What To Do When AirPods Go Through the Wash?

    Oh dear, this is something you wish you had been able to avoid altogether, but in life, we have all, most probably, at some time or another, sent one of our expensive electrical devices through the laundry. The moment you come to the realization, you feel like you could kick yourself, but don’t do that;…

  • Earbud Lifespan [ How long and When to Replace ]

    Earbud Lifespan [ How long and When to Replace ]

    Not all earbuds are made equal, and neither is the type of wear and tear that they’d endure. You may have already purchased a pair of earbuds or are looking to do so, but are asking yourself the question, “How long are they likely to last, and when will I need to replace them?” When…

  • How To Clean Airpods or Earbuds Without Damaging Them

    How To Clean Airpods or Earbuds Without Damaging Them

    If you own a pair of AirPods or earbuds, chances are you wear them all the time. While doing your work, chores, and going to the gym, you have the convenience of these neat, wireless accessories that take your music almost literally everywhere with you. But the downside is that wearing them so often can…